Care & Hope (a Project of Rehmat Foundation) was setup by the grace of Allah to meet the challenges faced by mentally retarded children.
Care & Hope is well equipped with beautiful furniture. Montessori play area and special tools for training and education of children facing challenges.
Special children of Care & Hope have already started making, their destiny as they participated in a function of The University of Punjab and rose to the top of the victory stand. Management of Care & Hope was awarded with Gold Medal by Provincial Education Minister Mr. Mian Imran Masud in acknowledgement of their services.
Project was inaugurated by Khalifa Janab Haji Muhammad Arif sahib of Chariawala Sharif on 23rd of February 2006.
The Beginning
Allah the Almighty, choose Mr. Izhar Ahmad Malik for this uphill task. He had the desire to show light of hope to the vey special children who are usually forced to live a neglected life in our society. Work started at home, family backed his thoughts, Business associates, friends and members of Rehmat Foundation, all assured him of their support to change the dreams into reality.
Care & Hope emerged from the platform of Rehmat Foundation.
Functional Setup
Who can get benefit
Children with mild to profound degree of mental retardation can be registered in the center.
What is the procedure to register?
Registration can be done by providing the necessary information in the office of Care & Hope. Parents/Guardians and social workers can contact office of care & Hope in person for registration.
Our Mission
To care for special children through special techniques, love and affection. Provide them with the environment they need and guide them towards self dependence hoping to make them useful citizens.
Future Plans
What is the procedure to register?
Registration can be done by providing the necessary information in the office of Care & Hope. Parents/Guardians and social workers can contact office of care & Hope in person for registration.
Pre-Admission Assessment
Complete Pre-Admission assessment of registered children is carried out by a multi-disciplinary team consisting of psychologist, educationist, medical officer, speech therapist and vocational instructor.
Observation Period
Children who successfully complete initial assessment are kept under observation to evaluate their abilities for a period of 1-3 months to evaluate their abilities for final recommendation for placement in different skill levels.
Personal Guidance / Training Plan
I.E.P. (Individualized Educational Plans) are prepared according to the abilities level of each child. Special objective based curriculum suggested by NISE (National Institute of Special Education) is followed. Curriculum consists of:
Special classes are structured with variety of educational and modern audio/visual teaching techniques and learning aids.

Other Services:

Referral Services
Seminars, workshops, course for parents, teachers and general public. The aim is to create awareness, educate and train, enhance and update the knowledge share experiences which can lead them to help effectively for the upbringing of such children.
Medical Treatment
Center provides periodic medical checkups, day to day symptomatic treatment, emergency treatment and necessary follow up depending on the situation.